Pal, Shantanu, Rabehaja, Tahiry, Hitchens, Michael, Varadharajan, Vijay, Hill, Ambrose. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE); 2020. On the design of a flexible delegation model for the Internet of Things using blockchain.
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Pal, Shantanu, Hitchens, Michael, Varadharajan, Vijay, Rabehaja, Tahiry. Elsevier; 2019. Policy-based access control for constrained healthcare resources in the context of the Internet of Things.
Hits: 1321
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Pal, Shantanu, Hitchens, Michael, Varadharajan, Vijay, Rabehaja, Tahiry. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE); 2018. Policy-based access control for constrained healthcare resources.
Hits: 1412
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Pal, Shantanu, Rabehaja, Tahiry, Hill, Ambrose, Hitchens, Michael, Varadharajan, Vijay. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE); 2020. On the integration of blockchain to the Internet of Things for enabling access right delegation.
Hits: 1093
Visitors: 1083
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Pal, Shantanu, Hitchens, Michael, Varadharajan, Vijay, Rabehaja, Tahiry. Association for Computing Machinery; 2017. On design of a fine-grained access control architecture for securing iot-enabled smart healthcare systems.